BookFest Beneficiaries
BookFest is the Heretaunga Bookfest Charitable Trust's major annual fundraising event..
Projects and organizations to have directly benefited from the proceeds of the BookFest include:
- Te Omanga Hospice
- Whirinaki Whare Taonga (formerly Expressions)
- Wellington Free Ambulance
- Upper Hutt MenzShed
- Summerset Knitting Group
- Titiro Whakamua Teen Parenting Upper Hutt
- Hutt Valley Women’s Refuge
- Upper Hutt Salvation Army
- Golden Needle Crafters
- Hangout Youth Health and Wellbeing
- Wellington Hospitals Foundation
- Books to Pacific Island Schools
- Nourish Trust
- Life Flight
- Big Brothers Big Sisters
- Citizens Advice Bureau UH
- Golder Homestead
- UH Women’s Centre
Non-profit groups and organisations can apply for a donation towards the cost of a charitable project. Individuals can apply for a donation towards the cost of training or skills development. How To Apply