Heretaunga Giant Charity Bookfest
BookFest is an annual event for avid readers—the young and not-so-young, keen to stock up on books for the coming winter and beyond.
100,000 books, magazines, games, puzzles, CDs, DVDs, and vinyl records.
Books purchased contribute to many worthwhile community projects supported by the Trust.
Bookfest 2025
Saturday 3rd May 9 am – 5 pm
Sunday 4th May 9 am – 3 pm
Whirinaki - 836 Fergusson Drive, Upper Hutt
Books etc. can be dropped off year-round at our Maoribank Park premises, then about three months before BookFest, collection points are set up at selected supermarkets and pickups can also be arranged from within the Hutt Valley.
A dedicated team of volunteers meets weekly to check, sort and box the books ready for the big event.